E-Keynote (Online) Speech:
Interplay of
The Esthetical and the Ethical
Juhani Pallasmaa, is a Helsinki-based architect, writer, and former professor of architecture and Dean at the Helsinki University of Technology, where he graduated in 1966. He has held visiting professorships in the United States and other countries and has taught and lectured at countless universities worldwide.
Among his many academic and civic positions are Director of the Museum of Finnish Architecture (1978–1983) and Head of the Institute of Industrial Arts, Helsinki. In 1983, he established his own architectural office, Arkkitehtitoimisto Juhani Pallasmaa KY, in Helsinki.
Pallasmaa has been a member of nearly 50 competition juries, including the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury from 2008 to 2014. He is an honorary member of SAFA, AIA, and RIBA, and has received numerous Finnish and international awards, including six Honorary Doctorates.
Pallasmaa has published a great number of essays, articles and books around the world. Among his many works on architectural theory is “The Eyes of the Skin –Architecture and the Senses”, a book that has become a classic of architectural theory and is required reading in many universities of architecture around the world.

Keynote Speech:
Architecture and Photography:
Gradually Articulating a Personal Vocabulary
Yiorgis Yerolymbos, is a photographer and architect. He studied photography in Athens and architecture in Thessaloniki, pursued a graduate degree at Goldsmith’s College, University of London, and completed a Ph.D. at the University of Derby.
His work, focusing on the interface of nature and culture, has been published in various books and exhibited internationally. He lectured in photography at the University of Thessaly from 2008 to 2011. Yerolymbos’ photography examines landscapes under transition, highlighting the socio-political changes and modernisation impacts on these areas. In 2008, he explored the American landscape with a Fulbright scholarship. He participated in the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2012 and 2014, and his work was featured in the 4th Biennale of Thessaloniki in 2013. Since 2007 he has been the official photographer of the construction of Renzo Piano’s the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center.